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Upload various KYC documents to a Deal

You can upload various documents under a specific Deal. 

These documents can be securely uploaded through the Finverity platform's designated portal, ensuring compliance with KYC regulations and facilitating seamless verification processes.

  • KYC Documents relating to a Company

  • KYC Documents relating to a Person

  • Credit Documents

  • Financial Documents and Ageing Reports

  • Legal Documents

For each you can choose a subsequent document subtype. The full list of document sub-types is available here

How to attach a document

  1. Navigate to the Deals tab and click on the pencil icon to open the edit mode. You can also attach documents during the Deal creation process. More information on this process can be found here

  2. Go to Deal Structure and scroll down to find the “Deal Documents” section

  3. Click on the “Add Document” button

Upload a document

  1. In the pop-up window choose the document type and subtype. Optionally, add a description

  2. Upload the document file

  3. Click Save

The document has been uploaded and can now be reviewed under the Deal Structure, in the “Deal Documents” section.

You can also check how to upload other documents on FinverityOS: